

Focused. Intuitive. Knowledgeable.


Who we are



Shane Cantwell - Commercial Director

Key Skills

Funding | Business Improvement | Budget and Cash Flow Management | Debt Restructures | Stakeholder Management | Stakeholder Negotiations | Property Acquisitions and Disposal | Landlord and Tenant Negotiation | Development Assessment | Franchisee Negotiations


With over 20 years, experience in business, Shane assists SMEs to obtain funding by helping them understand the motivations of equity investors, mezzanine finance and senior debt providers. He works with clients to resolve any challenges in obtaining capital and to align the interests of key stakeholders to ensure successful business outcomes.

Recent projects include:

  • Merchant Arch Restaurant and Bar (Business Improvement, Equity Investment)

  • Autokey Autonams (Corporate Structure, Equity Negotiations, Seed Capital)

  • Keelings (Tenant Negotiation)

Shane advises clients on their business needs and capabilities including acquisition, divestment and deleveraging assets. He has a clear understanding of corporate structures, borrower/lender motivations and the vital components necessary for raising finance in today’s challenging environment.


Communications strategist

Siobhan Burke - Communications Director

Key Skills

Discovery Workshops | Brand Development | Communication Strategy | Thought Leadership | Research | Editorial Calendars | Written Communication in Several Mediums: Website Content, Social Media Content, Articles, LinkedIn Posts, Blog Posts | Biographies, Proposals


Siobhan’s diverse background in banking and entrepreneurship has infused practical business skills with experience in how to pitch a business in a competitive market and stand out. Your brand needs to be compelling to draw in your target audience. She has a particular talent for identifying how brands can create uniqueness, then cast a wide net with a resounding message.

Recent projects include:

  •  Odgers Berndtson Ireland (Building local and global brand presence. Tone of voice. Thought leadership.)

  •  AIB (Internal and external communications on specialised project.)

  •  Voltedge HR consultancy (New brand messages for expanding business, website content.) 

A brand’s voice is central to capturing the essence of any organisation. You need to know what problems you are solving for your audience and speak authentically in your guarantee to resolve these.

Your brand’s power lies in your story and how you tell it. It unfolds throughout all brand touchpoints. Siobhan’s natural sense of curiosity drives her to delve deep to find what’s blocking brands from thriving. In helping them to pivot to what speaks directly to people’s hearts and minds. Creativity and excellence in expression in all communication are central to Siobhan’s practical application of brand personality, values and tone of voice. She gives every project devoted and passionate attention and collaborates enthusiastically to achieve project objectives.


Marketing and branding

Philip Darling - Creative Director

Key Skills

Consultancy and Innovation Workshops | Brainstorming Conceptual Work | Project Management Client Briefing | Art Direction and Planning of Photography and Video | Branding Design and Roll Out: Packaging, Literature, Promotions, Exhibition, Advertising, Digital, Web and Video.


With over three decades in the media communications sector, Philip offers a unique creative mentoring service to his clients.

Drawing on his business and visionary skills, he has worked most recently with clients as diverse as:

  • Mark and Chappell (Building their international brand in the petcare arena)

  • Shelia Morley (Creating her millinery storyline, brand and imagery)

  • Royal Dublin Society (Promoting the membership drive)

In essence, Philip is the bridge builder between client and producer, curating projects from conception to completion. Marrying business acumen with creativity, Philip can deliver on message and meet both brand and marketing message.

Having run and sold a successful design agency, lectured on a number of MBA courses and hosted innovation workshops, his calm and knowing style coupled with real-world experience has brought numerous commissions and projects to successful fruition.

When you have need for real creative and visionary input to your project at embryonic stage, or need a safe pair of hands to guide it through its production stages, Philip Darling’s unique skills and insight can be an important asset.


Coaching, Training & Personal Development

Collette Bryson - Engagement Director

Key Skills

Executive Coaching | Individual and Team Coaching |Training |Confidence Building | Career Management |Executive Outplacement | Self Marketing |Interview Coaching | Presentation Skills | Soft Skills | Team Building | Time Management | Conflict Resolution | Psychometrics


Collette is an accredited, highly successful, results driven Coach and Trainer with over 20 years’ experience in a client-facing role as a solicitor and 4 years in career and executive coaching. A qualified mediator. She has worked in many industries including banking, pharma, technology and in a voluntary and freelance basis in various employment support and returner groups (JobCare, Care Alliance, Back to Work Connect).

 Recent projects include:

  • Local Link - Live and online training ‘Working to your strengths: How to thrive in your role and be part of developing your organisation.’

  • Institute of Bankers - Speaker at Career Event Series ‘Building your online presence, optimise your job search and Identify job opportunities through LinkedIn.’

Collette has coached many individuals through personal and professional development plans, assisting them in progressing, developing and even changing their careers. She has worked across all levels of skill and experience, from general operatives to senior directors. She utilises a vast array of life and career coaching tools, helping individuals become more self-aware and confident, allowing them to realise their own strengths and skills. They set and achieve career goals, improve interpersonal skills, relationship building and personal effectiveness and ultimately become happier and more fulfilled in the workplace and in life.

Collette’s positive, encouraging approach inspires enthusiastic engagement and participation in training and workshop settings. She uses good humour, respect and compassion in a supportive, yet challenging environment. Her excellent communication skills result in clear, easy-to-follow presentations. She uses a mix of approaches and learning tools to keep her audiences energized and attentive so they leave with results, confidence and enthusiasm. 



Kevin J Reid - Communications Director

Key Skills

Bringing Your Company to Market | Business Skills | Conference Organisation | Confidence Building | Conflict Resolution | Executive Coaching | Individual and Team Coaching | Interview Coaching | Powerpoint Design | Presentation Skills | Project Planning | Soft Skills | Team Building | Time Management


As a highly experienced communications coach and business skills trainer, Kevin assists his clients in realising their professional objectives.

Recent assignments in Ireland and abroad have included:

  • BFree Foods (Communications coaching and training)

  • O’Brien Governance Design (Bringing the consultancy to market)

  • Grant Thornton (Lead Facilitator, Confident Communications Programme)

Through impactful training and a challenging yet nurturing coaching process, Kevin works in partnership with his clients and their companies to realise their professional objectives. Kevin’s expertise is brought to bear in bringing about sustained behavioral change to transform his clients working and personal lives.

Kevin has gained valuable experience within the Research & Information and the Social Policy Divisions of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC) and in various positions as a Partner with SustaineEd, Operations Manage for Fastrack into Technology, Facilitator to Peter Fitzgerald Consulting and Team Leader with Arise to Succeed.

When you want to develop the human capital within your organisation to realise their professional objectives, Kevin Reid has a unique skill set to allow you to achieve success.



John Black - Legal Director

Key Skills

Relationship Building for Clients | Managing Expectations | Accessibility | Negotiating | Problem Solving | Extensive Contact list to include: Legal Counsel, Engineering and Financial Advisors

John has many contacts who he can bring in to advise whether Legal Counsel, Engineering contacts or Financial Advisors to bring further value to clients.


John specialises in helping startups, entrepreneurs and SMEs manage the legal challenges they face. Unlike regular commercial lawyers he is more familiar with the legal complexities of running your own business and can give more specialised and appropriate advice.

  • Commercial Property (Located premises for new restaurant, negotiated terms and relevant legal work)

  • Dispute Resolution (Negotiated settlement of multiple actions against client, for fraction of claims cost.)

  • Contract (Assisted client in debt reduction and set-up Corporate Structure for seamless business activity)

John has over 20 years experience in dealing with Shareholders Agreements, Employment law, Conveyancing, Contract Law and Dispute Resolution. He brings a wealth of experience to any case. John tries to bring a solution based and holistic approach to most situations. He narrows the issues to try to make it easier for his clients to find a solution to the legal challenges they may face.




Edward Kenny - Technology Director

Key Skills

Technology Guidance | Data Management | Data Analytics | IT Consultancy | Customer Relationships Data | IT Strategy | Vendor Management | Procurement | Roadmap and Innovation Workshops | Databases | E-Commerce | Project Management


An authentic and passionate technologist, Edward brings clarity and simplicity to the complexities of modern technology. Drawing on nearly two decades of IT experience in Financial Services, Public Sector and Manufacturing, recent clients include:

  • Creative Flowers (Technology assessment and operational expense streamlining)

  • Agnelli Motor Park (Technology roadmap)

  • Synergy Golf Management (Customer analytics and database review)

Edward helps his clients to unlock the potential of technology in their business, working with clients to build their roadmap to digital success. He has successfully steered companies, who have found themselves overwhelmed by the complexity and diversity of technology, through the selection and implementation of a suitable solution. SimpliTech collaborates with clients to build a strategy for their long-term success.

Technologies, which traditionally were only accessible to high-tech companies, can now be adapted to work on many different levels. Edward is equipped with the expertise and experience to bring what once cost millions into the heart of small and medium sized businesses, for a fraction of the cost.